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zombie proof Kia EV range

ZOMBIE PROOF Kia electric vehicles

What would everyday life in Australia be like during a zombie apocalypse? How would we pop up to the shops, keep our drinks cool, or find our way around? Kia answers these questions in their new EV range campaign, as they show that their blissfully quiet EV3, EV5, and EV9 allow you to get on with life, even if you’re living in a world inhabited by zombies. By heroing features such as Smart Park Assist, internal cool box and Kia Voice Command, we see our protagonists silently go under the radar and thrive in the post-apocalyptic world.  Fresh from directing films for Canal+, A$AP Rocky and the John Lewis Christmas spot, Division director Francois Rousselet’s vision was to show Kia EV drivers, effortlessly navigating a suburban paradise gone wrong. Brought to life in meticulous detail, the sunny streets of the Australian suburbia were upturned and overrun with more than a hundred movement artists all expertly transformed into Aussie zombies. With even a few hidden celebrity zombies in the mix.